Thursday 25 March 2010

On the road again...

Well, we were supposed to leave Halle a week ago, but, we could only get a visa for Moldova for one month instead of 6 weeks, so we stayed in Germany for an extra week and will leave on Sunday to begin the travel to Chisinau, via the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania – altogether we will spend around 30 hours in the van!! Please pray that we get there safely (and don’t get too lost along the way!)....

Spring is here!!

Spring has arrived in Germany!! So, we made the most of the beautiful weather to have a team outing to Thale – it was such a beautiful day – we hiked in a forest, went on a toboggan run (twice!), had a picnic, played some ultimate Frisbee and visited a lovely little town called Quedlinburg! This was all finished off with some wonderful Indian food cooked for us by Selena, one of the OM team here in Halle!

Monday 22 March 2010

prayer walk

After being in Jena for one week, we travelled a couple of hours north up to Halle to work with the OM team there. This week was called ‘Pursuing the Presence of God.’
During the week we worked with teenagers and students in various groups, where we shared testimonies, played games, prayed and even did some Scottish dancing!
Two of the days we spent at the ‘Schnitte’ which is in an area of Halle where there are lots of high rise flats. The children can come to the Schnitte for a hot meal each day and then there are various activities for them to do. We prepared two programmes which included testimonies, games, songs, face painting, bead making, drama and parachute games!

View from the 21st floor of a block of flats -during our prayer walk

Face painting with some of the children from the Schnitte

Hannah sharing her testimony

Friday 12 March 2010


“Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Matthew 10v38-39

‘A life without compromise for Jesus’ was the theme of the Extreme Days, in which we were joined by 12 teens in the EFG church in Jena, a city in the east of Germany. Every morning, before breakfast, we each had a teen prayer partner who we met with to pray for the day. Then, after morning devotions and breakfast, the teens went off to school. Whilst the teens were at school, the team was able to go into several classes in the local Christian high school and teach a lesson. One of the activities in the lesson involved asking the students about their view of God – if they thought that He had any influence in their lives, and what they thought the purpose of their life was. It was interesting to see their response and, although it was a Christian school, hardly any of the students would say that God had a role to play in their life.

On the Saturday, the teens were involved in outreach during the
day. The first thing was to do some street evangelism, and the group was split up into three separate groups – face painting/balloon modelling, giving out coffee and Bible verses and Bible swapping. It was really encouraging to see the teens so excited about going out to do evangelism in their own city – pray that this enthusiasm will continue and they will be challenged to share their faith with the people around them.

The second part of the outreach was to go into an old people’s home where we had two separate groups. The first group went to talk to the old people, play games with them and share stories. The second group had prepared a 30 minute programme which involved drama, worship, prayer and testimonies. We then gave out flowers with Bible verses to each person.

The team with some of the teens from the week

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Tuesday 9 March 2010